Complete This Checklist Before You Tow This Spring


As the weather is warming and the snow melts away, it’s time to make sure that everything is in good shape for your upcoming spring and summer towing adventures. 

Whether or not you store your hitch during the winter months, doing an Annual Spring Checklist is very important! The following is a general trailer towing safety checklist that you can use this Spring for your towing vehicle, trailer hitch, and trailer(s).

trailer towing safety checklist for spring 2022

☐ Clean Vehicle

    • Cleaning your vehicle can restore its shine after a long winter, but can also help you have a better look at its components in case they need some more attention!

☐ Check Tires

☐ Make sure that your vehicle’s tires are in good condition and are inflated properly according to manufacturer recommendations.

☐ Check wheel rims for any damage

☐ Make sure lug nuts are fastened properly and are in good condition. 

☐ Check Mirrors and Lights

☐ Make sure mirrors are in good condition and positioned properly. Verify side-view mirrors provide a clear view that extends to the end of the trailer

☐ Make sure all lights are working properly. 

☐ Check Vehicle’s Overall Condition: 

☐ Make sure your tow vehicle has adequate fuel, oil, and engine coolant. 

☐ Make sure windshield wipers are working properly and wiper fluid is filled adequately. 

☐ Make sure your vehicle’s battery is in good condition. 

☐ Check the underside of your vehicle to make sure all parts are working. Check for any oil leaks. Attend as needed.

safe trailer hitch setup and maintenance - spring trailer towing guide

☐ Clean hitch components

    • If you have an aluminum Weigh Safe Hitch, you might want our Polishing Kit! Click here to learn how to clean your aluminum Weigh Safe Hitch! 
    • If you have a Steel Weigh Safe Hitch, here are some steel maintenance tips: 
      • If you live in a humid area or are exposed to water regularly, check all hitch components for any corrosion (rust). If possible, store your Steel Weigh Safe Hitch away during the winter/wet months. 
      • To clean your Steel Weigh Safe Hitch, we suggest using regular soap and water to get rid of road debris, dirt, salt, etc.
      • If you have any powder coating that has come off, you can use grease or a black spray paint to cover and maintain those spots to help prevent corrosion. 

☐ Make sure all components are in good working order

☐ Make sure all locks are working properly and securely lock in place

☐ Make sure Dust Lock Covers are attached. Need a Dust Lock Cover? Purchase here

☐ Make sure you have keys for the locks on your trailer hitch. Missing Keys? Purchase here

☐ If you have the True Tow Weight Distribution Hitch, you’ll want to make sure all required grease points are maintained and the required bolts are torqued to specifications. Please refer to Page #15 of the Owners Manual for Maintenance Specs. 

☐ Make sure you have the correct trailer hitch size for your towing vehicle and trailer! 

    • Don’t know what size of Weigh Safe Hitch you need? Click here
    • Need a specific size tow ball for your Weigh Safe Hitch? Purchase here
RV being pulled by truck

☐ Check for any cracks, fractures or bends throughout the trailer and its parts. Replace any parts as needed. 

☐ Make sure all lights are in working order. 

☐ If your trailer has brakes, verify they are working properly and adjust accordingly. 

☐Check Trailer Tires 

☐ Check for any excessive wear or damage

☐ Check tire pressure and adjust as needed/according to manufacturer recommendations.

☐ Check trailer wheel fasteners (lug nuts) are intact and free from corrosion

☐ Check that your landing gear (trailer jack) is in good working condition

☐ Verify that you are towing within correct ratings and guidelines. Click here for more info.

After checking your trailer hitch, towing vehicle, and trailer to make sure they are in good condition, you’re ready for this next towing season! Depending on what your towing application is, you may need to check off extra boxes that aren’t on this spring towing checklist. We recommend reaching out to the manufacturers of your vehicle, trailer, & trailer hitch for their maintenance recommendations or if you need assistance. 


This is just a Spring checklist to make sure your towing set-up is in good condition. Before you hit the road, make sure you always complete your Pre-Tow Checklist so that you can have a Towing Peace of Mind!